Growing to the highest standards.
Our plants and processes don’t just meet the standard; they set the standard for compliance and accreditation to streamline the paperwork.
Safe, healthy people.
Care for people starts with taking care of the details on all of our sites, and how we operate. No one operates outside their area of expertise and all our staff are Grow Safe certified, with relevant additional accreditations, qualifications and licences for their role, be it handling chemicals or handling a vehicle. We also have our Safe365 Health and Safety portal providing world-class safety technology.
Environmental ethos.
Eco-vitalisation means a constant quest to improve and optimise our environmental footprint with targeted goals and self-imposed ratcheting standards. Our annually-reviewed environmental policy identifies areas for improvement and ways we can do more with less impact. We grow plants in an innovative, environmentally-friendly eco-tray system which is 100% recyclable, and uses 50% less plastic than other pots and trays in the manufacturing process.
Strong on biosecurity.
Supplying plants across New Zealand comes with the responsibility to prevent the spread of diseases or pests that might compromise our biosecurity and industries. Kauri Park is accredited to the industry-standard Plant Pass biosecurity scheme, and has certificates in kauri dieback and myrtle rust modules. We are also certified as a Transitional Facility for imported flora, with end-to-end risk management.
All pots and trays from our planting projects are collected and taken back to Kauri Park, where we chip and recycle the plastic into long-term products such as fence posts and agricultural pipes. Read about our 100% plastic recycling loop.

Celebrating biosecurity excellence
"It was one of my best times auditing for a long time. Terry Wearmouth and his staff’s dedication to create what they achieved so far is mind blowing! Being a family business, it is such an inspiration to see the young generation taking over the operation at the nursery and the restoration project they do."
Senior Auditor, Asure Quality

Growing partnerships for sustainable and shared success.
Let’s grow. Together.
We’re easy to deal with. That’s another promise.