We believe in the power of plants.
Plants create vibrant ecosystems. Ecosystems grow life.
At Kauri Park, we have done extensive research on species’ genetics and provenance so that we can match plants to ecosystems, ultimately delivering the greatest ‘return on species’.
Our Ecovitalists’ field guide is designed to help you match-make plants with restoration ecosystems so that together we can get New Zealand teeming with life, from the ground up.
We know the building blocks for the creation of ecosystems that are designed to last for decades and that will nourish and grow life around them.
To help with understanding the dynamics of various restoration ecology projects we have classified SEVEN broad ecosystem typologies: regenerating forest, forest, freshwater riparian, wetland, coastal, urban and rural.

Nature’s own ecosystem is the most sustainable process that exists. So, restoring our environment means listening to what every piece of land needs.
Everyday our plants are on a mission.
Let’s grow. Together.
We’re easy to deal with. That’s another promise.