Ara Tūhono–Pūhoi to Warkworth
Creating vital connections while respecting Mother Nature
Seldom does a road generate so much publicity, emotion and anticipation.
Ara Tūhono means a connecting pathway-perfect for this much vaunted stretch of motorway that extends the Northern Motorway from the Johnstones Hill Tunnels to Warkworth, contributing to the economic growth of the Northland region.
Our task – to blend the new motorway into the spectacular North Auckland bush - wasn’t without its challenges as we had to deliver and plant vast quantities of plants on seemingly inaccessible land.
Ecosystem: Restoring native bush
The new highway cuts through some challenging environments so health and safety was paramount which, combined with the sheer volume of planting required, needed careful planning, innovation and collaboration between planners and the planting teams.
We planted 1.2 million plants over 19kms of highway - a staggering 63,000 per km - and the steep escarpments meant this was no mean feat. Kauri Park worked closely with the ever-impressive Green Team who came into their own with experience planting from harness.
Transporting plants from the road up to the upper slopes would have been time consuming and laborious so we set up conveyor systems to take plants up steep slopes to the planters who would then plant them.
Having our own delivery vehicles allowed the flexibility of supplying the plants exactly the day that the planting teams required them. All the pots and trays from this project were returned and recycled into fence posts and agricultural drainage pipes which further enhances the environment from the ground up
Ecovitalism: Creating self-sufficient ecosystems
Key benefits of the new route include improved safety and connectivity, more reliable journey times and a better freight connection for the Northland region.
This is expected to support economic and population growth. It will also improve connections between the growth areas in the northern Rodney area of Auckland and reduce congestion at Warkworth by providing a bypass for through traffic.Time savings are expected to be greater for trucks due to reductions in grades and a better road layout, which helps heavy vehicles maintain a higher average speed along the route.
We’re proud to have been trusted with restoring the spectacular areas of bush that the motorway passes through - users will not only be able to enjoy more efficient travel, but also the beauty of the indigenous flora and fauna as the new plants flourish. We believe that working in harmony with Mother Nature creates lasting and self-sufficient ecosystems that will last for generations to come.