We want to see New Zealand teeming with life.

Last week we launched the new Kauri Park – a new look and feel, a new website and Instagram, new trucks, you name it. We said we’d tell you – our clients, community, partners – more about the change and why we’re all fired up about action.

We’re ecovitalists at heart – we believe in the power and beauty of nature and we think Mother Nature is really the one in charge. We say that she’s really our only client. So when we looked around we saw that she had many priority projects and the clock was ticking on all of them.


Here’s what we realized:

At Kauri Park our mission is to help New Zealand become an ecology economy. We believe that our resources are our wealth and that protection of our planet is the key to providing prosperity for all.

We see that making New Zealand an agricultural paradise is ethically good and commercially great. No nature no economy. No economy no nature. When we work together the natural world and humanity can both be at the top of their game. We want to show the world how it can be done.

Our vision is to see every stream, river, estuary and piece of marginal land in the country planted so that native flora and fauna can thrive so New Zealand herself is teeming with vital life.


A bubble of life: how to restore vitality into an ecosystem.


Mother Nature sent us.