If you have a big vision, a project with scale and urgency, let us walk you through what our experience has taught us about how to create ecosystems that are self-sustaining and life-giving.
300 to 1,500 Plants
Use our plant library to research and assemble your perfect plant list. Hit send and one of the Karui Park team will get back to you with a quote. Please note that orders must exceed 300 plants to be accepted.
1,500+ Plants
If you need the best plants in the ground, on time, at the optimum time, we know how to make that happen. Our unique ‘Grow To Order’ process is designed from the ground-up. Literally. We have fine-tuned this process working with large-scale projects across the country.
Just Looking
Not a problem. You can view our range of 250+ plants species in the plant library or have a look at the Kauri Park trade list. You can also read about some of our favourite examples of ecosystems that have kept our fingernails dirty over the last few years or read about some of the many things we are inspired by.
It all begins with here @ourkauripark