212,000 kilometres. Halfway to the moon.
212,000 kilometres of Aotearoa’s waterways are in need of urgent restoration.
Water creates ecosystems that give us all life.
Water is the lifeblood of the ecology economy.
Protection of our planet is the key to providing prosperity for all.
We’re on a mission to plant every stream, river, estuary and piece of marginal land in the country that needs restoration. 212,000 km to plant and the clock is ticking.
Mission 212
We’re ecovitalists and we only have one client. Mother Nature writes our briefs. Her projects are our priorities.
We are Kauri Park
Visionaries with dirty fingernails.
Our hands have been dirty for decades because every year we plant 20 million trees across thousands of kilometres of New Zealand. No-one has had a deeper revegetation footprint, or imprint, on the land than we have.
We act for the planet.
From the complete regeneration of Rotoroa Island to the native revegetation of Taranaki to hectares of mānuka, we have the scale and expertise to plant New Zealand like our lives depend on it. Because they do.
Nature is a realist.
And so are we.
If you want change to happen, you need to start fast, go hard and never give up. We’re calling on you to get your hands dirty with us. There’s no time to lose.
Water on your hands?
X% of 212: what’s your number?
What waterways fall under your guardianship and do you feel the urgency like we do?
It takes a village.
This is the country’s biggest planting project.
We’re asking you to be founding partners.
Guardians on the ground floor
Councils, primary industries, landowners, corporate sponsors… we’re recruiting a team around us. We want you to be in on the ground floor and together we can be kaitiaki, protecting the water of our home and our people, for generations to come.
This is Mission 212
This is just a taste of our vision and our strategy.