Dicksonia fibrosa
Wheki-ponga, wheki-kohoonga, golden tree fern, kuripaka
Stout, non-rhizomatous tree ferns, up to 10 m tall. Trunk up to 1 m diameter, very dense, composed of tightly interwoven, red-brown rootlets, entirely without aerial buds. Fronds numerous, persistent in death, and forming a dense, pendent skirt; in life erect and arching, forming a dense, tight crown.
Suits alpine conditions.
Suits temperate conditions.
Suits montane forest conditions.
Prefers heavy shade.
Prefers semi shade.
Use in single specimen amenity plantings.
Mature: diameter 1m x height 6m
Planting centres: 1m
Wheki-ponga, wheki-kohoonga, golden tree fern, kuripaka
Stout, non-rhizomatous tree ferns, up to 10 m tall. Trunk up to 1 m diameter, very dense, composed of tightly interwoven, red-brown rootlets, entirely without aerial buds. Fronds numerous, persistent in death, and forming a dense, pendent skirt; in life erect and arching, forming a dense, tight crown.
Suits alpine conditions.
Suits temperate conditions.
Suits montane forest conditions.
Prefers heavy shade.
Prefers semi shade.
Use in single specimen amenity plantings.
Mature: diameter 1m x height 6m
Planting centres: 1m
Wheki-ponga, wheki-kohoonga, golden tree fern, kuripaka
Stout, non-rhizomatous tree ferns, up to 10 m tall. Trunk up to 1 m diameter, very dense, composed of tightly interwoven, red-brown rootlets, entirely without aerial buds. Fronds numerous, persistent in death, and forming a dense, pendent skirt; in life erect and arching, forming a dense, tight crown.
Suits alpine conditions.
Suits temperate conditions.
Suits montane forest conditions.
Prefers heavy shade.
Prefers semi shade.
Use in single specimen amenity plantings.
Mature: diameter 1m x height 6m
Planting centres: 1m