Kunzea robusta


Rawirinui, kanuka

Widespread, common tree of North and South Islands. Bark usually basally detached long leathery strips. Branches bearing masses of green leaves and clusters of small white flowers. Branchlets usually copiously covered in silky, appressed hairs. Leaves variable in size, soft to grasp. Flowers borne in ‘corymbiform’ clusters, white with a red centre. Fruit a small dry capsule.

Bark is stringy, or coarsely tessellated, coriaceous, firmly attached above, detaching basally, often hanging semidetached; peeling upwards along trunk in narrow to broad, tabular strips. Branches initially erect, soon arching outwards and spreading; branchlets numerous, slender; sericeous, indumentum copious, hairs either long or short antrorse-appressed.


Suits temperate conditions.
Suits coastal conditions.
Suits montane conditions.

Prefers full sun.

Use in revegetation plantings.
Use in hedgerow and shelter belt plantings.

Mature: diameter 4m x height 10m
Planting centres: 1.5m



Rawirinui, kanuka

Widespread, common tree of North and South Islands. Bark usually basally detached long leathery strips. Branches bearing masses of green leaves and clusters of small white flowers. Branchlets usually copiously covered in silky, appressed hairs. Leaves variable in size, soft to grasp. Flowers borne in ‘corymbiform’ clusters, white with a red centre. Fruit a small dry capsule.

Bark is stringy, or coarsely tessellated, coriaceous, firmly attached above, detaching basally, often hanging semidetached; peeling upwards along trunk in narrow to broad, tabular strips. Branches initially erect, soon arching outwards and spreading; branchlets numerous, slender; sericeous, indumentum copious, hairs either long or short antrorse-appressed.


Suits temperate conditions.
Suits coastal conditions.
Suits montane conditions.

Prefers full sun.

Use in revegetation plantings.
Use in hedgerow and shelter belt plantings.

Mature: diameter 4m x height 10m
Planting centres: 1.5m


Rawirinui, kanuka

Widespread, common tree of North and South Islands. Bark usually basally detached long leathery strips. Branches bearing masses of green leaves and clusters of small white flowers. Branchlets usually copiously covered in silky, appressed hairs. Leaves variable in size, soft to grasp. Flowers borne in ‘corymbiform’ clusters, white with a red centre. Fruit a small dry capsule.

Bark is stringy, or coarsely tessellated, coriaceous, firmly attached above, detaching basally, often hanging semidetached; peeling upwards along trunk in narrow to broad, tabular strips. Branches initially erect, soon arching outwards and spreading; branchlets numerous, slender; sericeous, indumentum copious, hairs either long or short antrorse-appressed.


Suits temperate conditions.
Suits coastal conditions.
Suits montane conditions.

Prefers full sun.

Use in revegetation plantings.
Use in hedgerow and shelter belt plantings.

Mature: diameter 4m x height 10m
Planting centres: 1.5m
