Pittosporum crassifolium
Grade 0.5L $2.75
Grade 1.0L $3.50
Pittosporum crassifolium, commonly known as karo, is a New Zealand native found along forest margins or along banks of streams from North Cape to Poverty Bay. Forms a large shrub or small tree with dark brown bark. New shoots white felted, leaves elliptic or obovate to 75 x 24mm, dark green glaborous leathery, white or buff tomentose beneath, margins entire and rolled under.
Grade 0.5L $2.75
Grade 1.0L $3.50
Pittosporum crassifolium, commonly known as karo, is a New Zealand native found along forest margins or along banks of streams from North Cape to Poverty Bay. Forms a large shrub or small tree with dark brown bark. New shoots white felted, leaves elliptic or obovate to 75 x 24mm, dark green glaborous leathery, white or buff tomentose beneath, margins entire and rolled under.
Grade 0.5L $2.75
Grade 1.0L $3.50
Pittosporum crassifolium, commonly known as karo, is a New Zealand native found along forest margins or along banks of streams from North Cape to Poverty Bay. Forms a large shrub or small tree with dark brown bark. New shoots white felted, leaves elliptic or obovate to 75 x 24mm, dark green glaborous leathery, white or buff tomentose beneath, margins entire and rolled under.