Pittosporum eugenioides
Grade 0.5L $2.75
Grade 1.0L $3.50
Pittosporum eugenioides, commonly known as lemonwood, is one of the larger growing New Zealand Pittosporums, found in lowland and subalpine forests of both Islands. Leaves elliptic to elliptic-oblong, to 14 x 4cm, semi glossy pale green, delicately veined almost white midrib, margins wavy or undulating.
Grade 0.5L $2.75
Grade 1.0L $3.50
Pittosporum eugenioides, commonly known as lemonwood, is one of the larger growing New Zealand Pittosporums, found in lowland and subalpine forests of both Islands. Leaves elliptic to elliptic-oblong, to 14 x 4cm, semi glossy pale green, delicately veined almost white midrib, margins wavy or undulating.
Grade 0.5L $2.75
Grade 1.0L $3.50
Pittosporum eugenioides, commonly known as lemonwood, is one of the larger growing New Zealand Pittosporums, found in lowland and subalpine forests of both Islands. Leaves elliptic to elliptic-oblong, to 14 x 4cm, semi glossy pale green, delicately veined almost white midrib, margins wavy or undulating.