We were engaged by three separate private landowners to supply, plant, and maintain plantings along the Ness Valley in South Auckland.

The purpose of each of these planting projects was to protect the riparian catchment within their boundaries, an outcome that would provide commercial benefits to the landowners, as well as important environmental ecosystem. The benefit of these clients collaborating on this project resulted in outcomes greater than the sum of its parts with shared learnings, improved efficiencies and a greater environmental impact for their local community.

Ecosystem – ongoing regeneration.

Riparian catchments are the junctions where the riverbank meets the river or stream - where the terrestrial and aquatic habitats merge. Also referred to as riparian ‘buffers’, they play a huge part in the health of ecosystems trapping and filtering sediments and other pollutants when they are rich in flora and fauna and functioning as they should. However, over time they can become degraded and inefficient which has a negative impact on soil health, wildlife, and water quality. Specialist planting can help reverse this decline, and that’s what the Kauri Park team do best.

Ecovitalism – helping ecosystems and communities.

Our experts understand complexities of riparian planting and can identify the best plants that will absorb water runoff and pollutants while releasing nutrients back into the water. We understand the nuances between ecosystems that mean no two stretches of riverbank are the same, enabling us to provide tailor made solutions for each project. Our restorations in the Ness Valley not only restored life to local ecosystems, but our clients also reaped the rewards of creating subdivisional lots for future use.

Kauri Park

At Kauri Park, plant by plant, we’re growing a future for New Zealand.


Drury Eco Islands


Ararimu Downs